History: 5-year-old malePresenting complaint unable to weight-bear on right footOngoing x 3 days.Mechanism injury no known mechanism injury but refusing to weight-bearWas in the emergency department day before had an x-ray that […]
Case 25 – Running MT A 42 year old long distance runner presents with right foot pain. Pain is worse with weight bearing. He has a PMHx of stress fracture. No recent change in training, […]
Topic: Management of Calcaneal Apophysitis Presenter: Dr. Kate Reilly Date: February 26, 2019 Additional Resources: Patient Education Film on Calcaneal Apophysitis Dr. Bob Lee and Christy Stephenson
Foot Review Presenter: Dr. Wes Clayden, University of British Columbia Differential Guide: Dr. A Francella, Dr. N Dilworth, Dr. W Clayden Questions: Yousef Hegazy https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M7YQLZX Figures 1 for question 1: Figure 2 […]
Definition: Skin infection of feet caused by dermatophytes. Patient may complain of itchy feet/toes or rash on feet and toes. Often it is a incidental finding on examination of patient with exposed […]